Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012


Notice under Regulation 10: Key Decision where less than 28 days’ public notice has been given.


Pursuant to Regulation 10 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012 (‘the Regulations’), I hereby give Notice that:-


The Executive intends to make a Key Decision on Thursday 15 December 2022 regarding Financial Strategy 2023/24.

Purpose of Report: To present the Council’s overall financial position and Medium Term Financial Strategy.  It will set out the key financial challenges and the strategy for meeting these challenges. 

The report will ask the Executive to consider the information set out in the report


It has not been possible to give 28 clear days’ notice of the intention to make this Key Decision. The reason why compliance has not been possible in this instance is that City of York Council are awaiting further financial information following the Government’s Autumn Statement.


Contact:  Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer

                 t: 01904 554161 e: debbie.mitchell@york.gov.uk









Dawn Steel, Head of Civic and Democratic Services


Dated: 23 November 2022



As required by Regulation 10 of the Regulations, the Chair of the Customer and Corporate Services Scrutiny Management has been informed.


Pursuant to Regulation 10 (3) this Copy of the Notice was made available at City of York Council for inspection by the public and published on the Council’s website on 23 November 2022.